Internal Changes SimBOB 1.4.4 -> 1.5.0 - Replaced my own OpenGL-base graphics engine by OpenSceneGraph bringing these advantages: - Improved performance - Ability to load several image formats (no more only bmp) - Ability to import models created with other tools (e.g. 3ds) - Ready to use more features of OpenSceneGraph for more realistic images - new model component RCImportModel This model allows you to create more complex models with an advanced 3D editor and import it into your simulations. The file formats currently supported are: 3ds, obj, osg and dxf. To use another format not listed here but supported by OpenSceneGraph ust add the corresponding plugin (dll) to the bin-folder and it will work. - GeomComponents are now registered at the GlobalComponentList This allows you to get them also out of the GlobalComponentList - as long as you know their key. Alternatively you can add a ComponentPointer as parameter to the component from which you want to access a specific GeomComponent and refer to the desired component in the xml-file. - Fixed bug with component RCPlaneGeom Before when using a PlaneGeom with a body the value of the parameter Pose was overwritten by the pose of the attached body. Now it is interpreted as local coordinates relative to the attached body's pose. - new global sim component RCDecoration To add visual objects not infulencing the physics you can now use the new global sim component RCDecoration. It simply takes a pose and a model. - test-simulations for models During the implementation of the new OpenSceneGraph-bases visual engine it was useful to have a test-simulation for every model type and some other features. These can be found in the folder Simulations/tests. Maybe they are also interesting examples for beginners... - new model component RCSphereModel This is basically the same as an EllipsoidModel (and even uses the same functions to create the model) with only a single radius. I found it annoying having to specify three radii when they are the same anyway (which is the case in all simulations I created so far...) - Pose-parameter of RCRobot Before it was possible to import the same robot-description several times in a single simulation but it made no sense since you were not able to specify (or overwrite the default) pose of each robot individually because the pose is no direct parameter of RCRobot. Not it is! When writing a robot-description you want to import make sure that the root-body of the robot uses local coordinates - otherwise changing the pose of the robot still won't have any influence. Also note that you don't have to specify a pose for the robot since it defaults to the origin so you donÄt have to adapt your old simulations. - new simulation DoubleHexWalker.xml importing two times the same robot To demonstrate the new ability of importing robots I added the simulation DoubleHexWalker.xml where two robots of the same kind are imported.