, if the module-combobox is empty the path is invalid).RC
-prefix): FollowWallController
MRtlInterfacesStart(RCFollowWallController, TRCPeripheryComponent<RCFollowWallController>)
// TODO: add the implemented interfaces here!
MRtlNoInterface(RCFollowWallController, TRCPeripheryComponent<RCFollowWallController>)
The controller needs access to two contact or proximity sensors detecting obstacles and a way to control the robot. Furthermore it is comfortable to let the user of this controller specify the linear and rotational velocity so we add parameters this as well. The member variable m_nPeriod was already created by the class creator. It is used to specify the period of one thread cycle:
typedef TRCRtlComponentPointer<RCContactSensor> TContactSensorPtr;
typedef TRCRtlComponentPointer<RC2DMotionControl> T2DMotionControlPtr;
// parameters:
TContactSensorPtr m_LeftSensorPtr;
TContactSensorPtr m_RightSensorPtr;
T2DMotionControlPtr m_MotionControlPtr;
TReal m_nLinVelocity;
TReal m_nRotVelocity;
TReal m_nPeriod;
Instead of using the interface RC2DMotionControl
we could also access the two drives of the robot directly but this would require additional work and limit this new controller to robots with two driven wheels while our way allows the controller beeing reuse for any robot that implemented the require dinterface.
To make the member variables beeing parameters we have to add the MParamMembers-section with a key (usually the same as the variable name without any prefixes) and a type-specific parameter handler. This will look like this:
MParamMember("LeftSensor", m_LeftSensorPtr, RCComponentPointerParamHandler)
MParamMember("RightSensor", m_RightSensorPtr, RCComponentPointerParamHandler)
MParamMember("MotionControl", m_MotionControlPtr, RCComponentPointerParamHandler)
MParamMember("LinVelocity", m_nLinVelocity, RCRealParamHandler(0.01, 10, 0.01, 1.0, _T("m/s")))
MParamMember("RotVelocity", m_nRotVelocity, RCRealParamHandler(0.01, 50, 0.01, 1.0, _T("rad/s")))
MParamMember("Period", m_nPeriod, RCRealParamHandler(0.01, 10, 0.01, 1000, _T("ms")))
For some parameter handler types (all numerical ones) it is possible to specify limits like upper and lower bounds and information how to display the value in a dialog (if it is edited graphically - not implemented for simulations yet). The arguments are:
Since the controller is that simple it requires no additional member variables to store an internal state. The implementation is also short enough that we can write it directly into the already existing thread function.
As in all classes the member variables should be initialized. Component pointers need access to an RTL component handler that can create some types of components and refer to existing ones, a global list where this component will be registered so other pointers refer to it, and the parent component (this
) for a clear hierarchy. For the numerical members you should choose reasonable values - they will be used when no values are specified in the simulation file.
const RCString& sKey,
const RSControllerCtorArg& CtorArg) :
m_LeftSensorPtr (m_RtlComponentHandler, m_pGlobalList, this),
m_RightSensorPtr (m_RtlComponentHandler, m_pGlobalList, this),
m_MotionControlPtr (m_RtlComponentHandler, m_pGlobalList, this),
: a kind of initializatin function called when the simulation is loaded.
Adapt the value of sOwner (it is displayed in error messaged when the Realization of this component fails):
const RCString sOwner =
RCString(_T("follow wall controller'")) + GetFullComponentKey() + _T("'");
Add the realization of all member components (the specifies strings are only used to produce meaningful error messages):
bSuccess &= m_LeftSensorPtr .Realize(_T("left sensor"), sOwner);
bSuccess &= m_RightSensorPtr .Realize(_T("right sensor"), sOwner);
bSuccess &= m_MotionControlPtr .Realize(_T("motion control"), sOwner);
: called when the simulation is about to be closed. Since the component pointers hold a smart pointer internally components are only destroyed when no more pointer to it exists. Since it is possible to create cyclic dependencies (in the simulation file you can also refer to components created later in that file) the instances in such a cycle would never be destroyed and cause a memory leak. Thus, we better remove all links before destruction here:
void TESTEXTENSION::RCFollowWallController::Clear()
: The function running in an extra thread.
No initialization necessary for our controller.
Since the -> operator
of TRCRtlComponentPointer
is overloaded you can access the functions of the corresponding interface directly. So the implementation of the algorithm is quite straight forward:
TLong TESTEXTENSION::RCFollowWallController::ThreadFcn(void*)
while (!QuitEvent().IsSet())
if (m_LeftSensorPtr->CheckContact())
else if (m_RightSensorPtr->CheckContact())
Sleep(Round(m_nPeriod * MILLI_INV));
return 0;
Now we are done with our controller and can compile it (and fix all the typos we made). If it was successfull and we start the simulator now, it should have loaded the extension with our new controller automatically.
To see our controller in action we need to create a simulation that uses it. It is quite a lot work to wire a simulationfile from scratch so we better take an existing one and adapt it - inthis case we take SimpleRemoteControlledRobot
First we copy the xml file (the ini file is not necessary) and rename it.
In the simulation file (I can recommend notepad++ to edit those files) we have to remove the RCSimpleRobotComControl
and the RCLocalSocketCommunicator entry since this components are no not required for our simulation.
So far we have a simulation with bounding walls (and ground and sky) and a robot with two driven wheels and a balancing ball. The next step is to add the proximity-sensors:
They are peripheries of the robot so we need to add them in the ChildList (line 184 right behind the RCBallSocketJoint
). Here we add the description:
<RCProximitySensor Key="LeftSensor">
<Pose Value="(-0.22, 0, 0.12)(0, 0, 0)"/>
<Radius Value="0.02"/>
<RCProximitySensor Key="RightSensor">
<Pose Value="(-0.22, 0, -0.12)(0, 0, 0)"/>
<Radius Value="0.02"/>
The sensor detecs a contact when it's correspoinding geometry collides with any other object - so make sure you don't place it too close to the robot so that it causes already a contact itself. The code above will produce two (invisible) spheres with a radius of 2cm beeing placed at the front corners of the robots body with sufficient distance.
Now we can add our own controller in the robots controller list and fill in the parameters:
For the two sensors we need to refer to the proximity sensors declared above. Since their key is unique in this simulation there's no need to add also the parents key in front of it.
To specify the parameter MotionControl
we need a controller that implements the interface RC2DMotionControl
and that is suitable for our robot contruction. The component RCTwoWheelMotionControl
fits this need. We could either add the controller parallel to our RCFollowWallController
and refer to it or create it in-place (as we do it here now).
Since the default-values for the other parameters (LinVelocity, RotVelocity and Period) are reasonable we could drop them here but it's always nice to specify all possible parameters so you can easily see what can be adapted in the simulation. The complete description of our controller looks like this:
<LeftSensor Ref="LeftSensor"/>
<RightSensor Ref="RightSensor"/>
<ControlLeft Ref="LeftDrive"/>
<ControlRight Ref="RightDrive"/>
<WheelDistance Value="0.22"/>
<WheelRadius Value="0.03"/>
<LinVelocity Value="0.2"/>
<RotVelocity Value="0.5"/>
<Period Value="0.1"/>
Running the simulation we will see that the robot hits the wall when rotating - a result of the badly places sensors. Changing their X-coordinates to -0.22 instaed of -0.12 (just change the simulation file and click on the reload-button) will fix this problem and result in a controller nicely following the walls.
The given algorithm only follows walls in convex rooms - it's actually more a wall-avoidance algorithm. As another exercise you could try to write a new controller and simulation that uses another proximity sensor to make sure the robot also stays close to a wall